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运动作为防治疾病的一味"药",正迅速被越来越多的医生所认可,并走进了大众的日常生活。运动既然是"药",就不该是"多多益善",而应该是"量体裁衣"、个性化定制,也因此需要处方。文章旨在回顾运动处方过去和现在的发展与对未来发展需求的猜测,对这个方兴未艾的领域增进了解,并进行系统介绍。追溯运动处方的研究和发展历史,大致可以分为4个时期3个阶段,从认识到运动对健康的重要性到运动成为防病治病的良药以及运动处方的发展走过了近70年的历程。国外大量科学的研究(尤其是追踪研究)和数据是支持运动处方不断前进的基石。从运动处方科学发展中所学到的智慧将会对中国传统运动处方的建设、中国大众的健康促进作出积极贡献。  相似文献   
作为心肌损伤的特异性指标,心肌肌钙蛋白(cTn)在临床诊断心肌病中具有较高的价值。马拉松等耐力运动后,血清cTn异常升高的生理、病理意义仍存在较大争议。通过总结马拉松等耐力运动后cTn的释放规律和右心室(RV)损伤情况,研究探讨了运动后血清cTn的可能来源,以及利用血清cTn评价运动后RV心肌损伤性质的可行性。研究认为:1)一次性马拉松等耐力运动后的血清cTn异常升高,可能是由于RV心肌结构蛋白损伤所致;2)一次性马拉松等耐力运动,可能导致不同性质的RV心肌损伤,通过结合运动后血清cTn的升高水平和持续升高的时间,可以对RV心肌损伤的性质进行评价。  相似文献   
褪黑素(melatonin,MT)在同步昼夜节律方面具有关键作用,且抑郁症的主要特征就是昼夜节律紊乱导致的睡眠障碍和褪黑素分泌紊乱。针对昼夜节律系统开发出的褪黑素类似物(如阿戈美拉汀、雷美替胺、他司美琼等)在治疗抑郁症方面有积极作用,特别是阿戈美拉汀,这是一种具有抗抑郁和抗焦虑作用的褪黑素受体激动剂及5-HT2C受体拮抗剂。研究综述了昼夜节律紊乱与抑郁症之间的关联,以及褪黑素在运动调控生物节律与改善抑郁行为方面的作用及机制,并提出了运动联合MT的抗抑郁策略。提出运动的抗抑郁作用,一方面通过MT的分泌调节使生物节律同步和MT促进海马神经发生和生物钟基因表达同步,另一方面通过MT调节脑源性神经营养因子节律和水平及改善炎症和氧化应激。  相似文献   

The length of telomeres is an objective measure of biologic ageing. This study evaluated the extent minutes of walking per week are associated with leukocyte telomere length (LTL) in a random sample of 5,823 U.S. adults. The investigation was cross-sectional and data were obtained from the National Health and Nutrition Examination Survey (NHANES). LTL was measured by the quantitative polymerase chain reaction method. Walking minutes was calculated from walking frequency and duration measures. Results showed that for each year of chronological age, telomeres were 15.6 base pairs shorter (P < 0.0001). With walking minutes and LTL treated as continuous variables, the relationship was quadratic, not linear (F = 11.2, P = 0.0023). With walking time divided into three categories, adults who performed ≥ 150 minutes of walking per week had longer telomeres than those who did no regular walking, and those who did some, but less than the recommendation (F = 5.0, P = 0.0137). Regular walkers were estimated to have a biologic ageing advantage associated with 6.5–7.6 years less biologic ageing compared to non-walkers, after adjusting for covariates. Additional investigations designed to study causality and the mechanisms associated with the walking and LTL relationship are needed.  相似文献   
This study analyzes gains in cognitive components of learning competence with respect to cohorts based on ability tracking in a Czech longitudinal study. Propensity score matching is used to form parallelized samples of academic and non-academic track students and to eliminate the effect of selective school intake. We applied regression models on the total scores to test for the overall track effect. Furthermore, we analyze scores and gains on the subscores and check for differential item functioning in Grade 6 and in change to Grade 9. While after 3 years, no significant difference between the two tracks was apparent in the total learning competence score, we did, however, find significant differences in some subscores and in the functioning of some items. We argue that item-level analysis is important for deeper understanding of the tracking implications and may provide the basis for more precise evidence-based decisions regarding the tracking policy.  相似文献   

The purpose of this study was to explore the respiratory response of acute interval and continuous exercise (CE) of low and high intensity. Fourteen recreational athletes (7 men and 7 women; VO2max = 35.7 ± 6.1 mlkg–1min–1) performed a bout of continuous and a bout of interval exercise (IE) both consisted of 5-min cycling at low intensity [80% of the power output (W) of the predetermined gas exchange threshold (GET) (80%WGET)] and 5-min cycling at high intensity {WGET plus the work rate corresponding to 50% of the difference between peak power output (PPO) at oxygen uptake (VO2max) test and the WGET [WGET + 0.50 Δ(PPO – WGET)]}. CE compared to IE induced significant higher heart rate and ventilation as well as significant higher levels of mouth occlusion pressure for 0.1 s (P0.1) (P < 0.05) during low and high intensities. Our results indicate that CE stimulates respiration more than IE when the exercise is performed at the same relative intensity.  相似文献   
由于新型冠状病毒(2019-nCoV)感染的肺炎疫情暴发,人们将居家运动作为提高免疫力与保持健康的重要手段,运动与免疫的关系再度受到关注。一般认为,在充分恢复的前提下进行规律的中高强度运动可提高免疫功能,而急性运动(acute exercise)可能抑制免疫功能并增加感染风险。急性运动后外周血淋巴细胞计数及功能降低、免疫球蛋白A水平分泌减少被认为是运动抑制免疫的理论基础。但目前这种独立于非运动因素影响免疫功能增加感染风险的认识受到了现有研究的挑战。急性运动可通过应激反应将淋巴细胞亚群迅速动员至循环中,运动结束后,淋巴细胞亚群又会迅速迁移至外周组织。淋巴细胞的重新分布(lymphocyte redeployment)可能是一种进化保守的免疫机制,这一过程强化了外周组织的免疫监视与调节功能,有助于提升机体抵抗感染能力。因此,从这一视角就急性运动对机会性感染风险及免疫功能影响的现状进行综述。  相似文献   
目的考察适应性完美主义、自主动机对青少年锻炼坚持性的综合影响,检验父母自主支持的调节效应。方法修订父母社会背景调查问卷(家长报告)的自主支持分量表、中文Frost多维度完美主义问卷的个人标准和条理性分量表、因果控制点知觉量表和青少年户外运动坚持性量表,对2230名12~18岁青少年及其家长进行调查,分析适应性完美主义对青少年锻炼坚持性的间接影响。结果父母自主支持、青少年的适应性完美主义和自主动机对锻炼坚持性正向影响皆显著,分别解释了3.7%、30.3%和38.3%的变异;在适应性完美主义与青少年锻炼坚持性的影响链条上,自主动机的中介效应、父母自主支持的中介调节效应、性别的调节中介效应皆显著,三者共同的间接效应值为0.426,占总效应的77.45%。结论适应性完美主义既能直接影响青少年的锻炼坚持性,又能通过自主动机的中介而间接作用于锻炼坚持性;父母对青少年体育锻炼的自主支持能够对青少年的适应性完美主义和锻炼自主动机产生积极的调节作用;相较于女性青少年,男性青少年的锻炼自主动机更强烈、锻炼亦更具坚持性。  相似文献   
本文采用文献资料法、综述法,以"运动处方""治疗""抑郁症"等为关键词,在中国知网、超星发现等文献网站,搜索相关文献,进行归纳总结。得出结论并提出建议,旨在整理出运动处方治疗抑郁症的研究现状,为今后的研究发展提供参考。  相似文献   

The systematic review and meta-analysis evaluated the effect of aerobic, resistance and combined exercise on RMR (kCal·day-1) and performed a methodological assessment of indirect calorimetry protocols within the included studies. Subgroup analyses included energy/diet restriction and body composition changes. Randomized control trials (RCTs), quasi – RCTs and cohort trials featuring a physical activity intervention of any form and duration excluding single exercise bouts were included. Participant exclusions included medical conditions impacting upon RMR, the elderly (≥65 years of age) or pregnant, lactating or post-menopausal women. The review was registered in the International Prospective Register of Systematic Reviews (CRD 42,017,058,503). 1669 articles were identified; 22 were included in the qualitative analysis and 18 were meta-analysed. Exercise interventions (aerobic and resistance exercise combined) did not increase resting metabolic rate (mean difference (MD): 74.6 kCal·day-1[95% CI: ?13.01, 161.33], P = 0.10). While there was no effect of aerobic exercise on RMR (MD: 81.65 kCal·day-1[95% CI: ?57.81, 221.10], P = 0.25), resistance exercise increased RMR compared to controls (MD: 96.17 kCal·day-1[95% CI: 45.17, 147.16], P = 0.0002). This systematic review effectively synthesises the effect of exercise interventions on RMR in comparison to controls; despite heterogenous methodologies and high risk of bias within included studies.  相似文献   
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